Church Reopened
We have reopened our church on Sundays. Those planning to attend in person are required to wear a mask and have their temperature checked at the gate. We will offer children and youth ministry during our service. Please arrive at church early for the screening process. The gates will be closed at 9:45 AM.

Sunday Service: Promotion Sunday Helmut Thielicke writes, “The gospel must be proclaimed afresh in new ways to each generation, since every generation has its own unique questions. The gospel must constantly be forwarded to a new address, because the recipients are repeatedly changing their place of address.” This Sunday Pastor Ken will speak on how to be “Witnessing Community.” You can join us in person or watch the live service through Zoom.
Zoom ID: 864 3742 0180
Password: 5537
Sunday School
Doris will teach the topic on “The Practice of Thinking.”
Sunday Baptism Service
You are invited to witness Shannon’s baptism this Sunday at 2 p.m. at Jennii’s home. If you are planning to attend please ask Pastor Ken for the address.
Pray for VBS
The church will be holding VBS in-person on July 11th through the 14th, Monday - Thursday, 5:00 - 7:00PM. The topic: “An out-of-this world mission to discover God’s Glory.” Pray that the children will be captured by God’s glory.
Youth and Family Seminar
Our church will host the Youth and Family Seminar from 7/15 - 17 (Friday - Sunday).
Topic: "Holy Sexuality and The Gospel.”
Speaker: Dr. Christopher Yuan.
Time: Friday night in the Youth Center at 8:00 PM
Saturday from 9:30 -11:00 AM in the Main Sanctuary.
Vibrant Community Groups
The early church understood the power and benefits of community. They inspired and challenged one another to be light in their community. If you are not a part of a community, join a group today.
Family Life: John
Sunday Vibrant Community: Jack
ThrYve (Young Adults & College):
Lighthouse: Andrew
Men's Group: Paul
Women’s Groups:
Anni (meets on 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month)
Carrie (meets on Thursday mornings)