Church Reopened
We have reopened our church on Sundays. Those planning to attend in person are required to wear a mask and have their temperature checked at the gate. We will offer children and youth ministry during our service. Please arrive at church early for the screening process. The gates will be closed at 9:45 AM.

Sunday Service Dr. Christopher Yuan is our guest speaker this Sunday. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 2005 and received a master’s in biblical exegesis in 2007 and a doctorate of ministry in 2014. He travels extensively to speak on faith and sexuality. He will share his personal testimony of how God has radically transformed his life and sexuality. You can join us in person or watch the live service through Zoom.
Zoom ID: 864 3742 0180
Password: 5537
Sunday School
Doris will teach the topic of “The Practice of Thinking.”
Pray for VBS
We want to extend a BIG thank you to all 25 volunteers for making a difference with the next generation at our in-person VBS on July 11th - 14th.
Youth and Family Seminar
Our church will host the Youth and Family Seminar from 7/15 - 17 (Friday - Sunday).
Topic: "Holy Sexuality and The Gospel.”
Speaker: Dr. Christopher Yuan.
Time: Friday night in the Youth Center at 8:00 PM
Saturday from 9:30 -11:00 AM in the Main Sanctuary.
Missions Conference
Dr. Patrick Fung, General Director of OMF International, and Rev. James Hudson Taylor IV, President of China Evangelical Seminary will be speaking on “Passion for the Impossible.”
Time: (8/12) 7:30 - 9:30 pm; (8/13) 10 am - 12 pm and 1:30 - 3:30 pm (Lunch will be provided).
Venue: Evangelical Formosa Church of Los Angeles
Baptism Class
The next baptism class will be held on Aug. 7th at 11 am. Please talk to Pastor Ken if you are planning to get baptized. The next baptism will take place on Sept. 11th at Bob and Mel's home.
Vibrant Community Groups
Larry Crabb writes, "I have come to believe that the root of all our personal and emotional difficulties is a lack of togetherness, a failure to connect that keeps us from receiving life and prevents the life in us from spilling over onto others. I therefore believe that the surest route to overcoming problems and becoming the people we were meant to be is reconnecting with God and with our community." Here are the groups that you can connect with.
Family Life: John
Sunday Vibrant Community: Jack
ThrYve (Young Adults & College):
Lighthouse: Andrew
Men's Group: Paul
Women’s Groups:
Anni (meets on 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month)
Carrie (meets on Thursday mornings)